Protecting Beech Trees

Beech leaf disease is a new threat to our landscape here in Southern Vermont. Learn more about the services we offer to protect your beech trees, or contact us for a free invasive pest management consultation.

Invasive pest management is an important aspect of tree health care. All About Trees owner and team leader Bob Everingham is an ISA Certified Arborist (NE-6289A) and a Vermont Forest Pest First Detector. He holds Vermont pesticide certification #1426-4543 and is Invasive Insect Management-certified.

beech leaf disease: How We Can Help

Beech leaf disease is new to Southern Vermont and is distinct from beech bark disease, which our beeches have been dealing with for decades. Beech leaf disease is caused by a nematode that rapidly sickens and kills native and European beech trees. Symptoms include yellow, leathery, or withered leaves. There is still much that is being learned about BLD, but there is a treatment that has shown promise in suppressing it. Contact us for more information.

Beech leaves with yellow and brown spots

Leaves showing signs of beech leaf disease

A macro-infusion (trunk injection) for Beech Leaf Disease around the base of a beech tree

A macro-infusion (trunk injection) for beech leaf disease around the base of a beech tree